Master Class March 2023


Since her first lash client in 2009, Sarah has been a pioneer and leader in the lash world, staying at the forefront of the industry and its advancements. Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to train with her.

Our two-day Master Class is the most comprehensive Lash Lift training in the industry. You will have the opportunity to take a deep dive into the chemistry of lash lift so often overlooked by other Lash Lift Classes, allowing you to have control over your results each and every time. Sarah will walk you through each step of the lash lift, from shield selection, proper lash placement, and choosing the right lifting/setting timing. Enrollment includes an extensive 60-plus page manual, a fully loaded lash lift kit allowing you the freedom to start working right away, and a full day to work with multiple models with Sarah to troubleshoot you along the way. As part of your certification, you will receive a one-on-one recap with Sarah, as she presents you with livyLash Lift Certificate.
